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10 Ways To Solve Your Creative Block
For other people it is just another day of the week, but for you it is hell. Why? Why do you have another art block? Who knows, really. Instead of melting down over the why, let’s get to some possible remedies!
- Shut It Down
Sometimes with creative block, you have to step away from the medium at hand. That means if you’re a painter, stop painting. If you’re a chef, set that skillet down, darn you! There is always something to be said about showing up, but if you hit a wall it may be best to cut loose.
That means dropping that gig right now. It’s about as useful as reading the same chapter of your text book over and over. It really doesn’t help! You need a breather, not to push through.
2. Pull It Out
Maybe some inspiration is all you really need to get that mojo back. Art block can seem like you are carrying a an empty vessel, but usually that vessel just doesn’t have something interesting (to you) in it.
So, go in search of things that make you interested. Pull up that Pinterest board you made last year and never opened again. Find old work of yours. Listen to a podcast. There are so many ways to get inspiration.
3. Search The Music